The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) launched prosecution against 25 officers out of which five each were from Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), ministry of personnel, public grievances & pensions, four from EPFO, three from ministry of urban development, two each from ministry of railways and Indian Council of Medical Research and one each from LIC of India Ltd., ministries of textiles, labour and CPWD. It was stated in a press release issued by the ministry of personnel, public grievances & pensions on Friday.
The Commission further advised initiations of major penalty proceedings against 78 officers. Of these, 12 were from ministry of railways, 11 each from public sector banks and national co-operative consumer, seven from Chennai Port Trust, six from Bharat Coking Coal Ltd.
The commission disposed of 391 cases during March 2009 referred to it, the press release said.
The Commission also advised imposition of major penalty against 35 officers including seven from ministry of railways, six from the public sector banks, four from DDA, three from CBDT and two each from BHEL and ICAR. The remaining eleven cases pertained to various other departments. The Commission disposed 616 complaints during the month. Of these, 531 complaints were sent for necessary action/ATR, whereas 85 complaints were sent for investigation and report.
On Commission’s recommendations, the administrative authorities imposed major penalty on 44 officers including 10 from telecommunications, four from the insurance companies, three each from BSNL and CSIR, two each from ITDC, department of steel, DDA and one each from CBEC, SAIL, Development Commissioner (Small Scale Industries), STC India Ltd. and MCD, the press release said.
Recoveries to the tune of Rs 6.54 crore were effected after Commission conducted technical examination of some departments, the release further said.
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