Setting up of employee and pensioner databases proposed
The Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) has come out with a discussion paper which may help states setting up employee and pensioners databases. It included findings of a study in order to document the experiences of states that have achieved progress with employee and pensioner databases and data management systems, as well as to develop a roadmap through which the remaining states can achieve a similar outcome.
Significantly, the Thirteenth Finance Commission was constituted on November 13, 2007 to make recommendations on sharing of net proceeds of Central taxes with the states and on various other specified aspects of Centre-State fiscal relations for the period April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2015.
The current study on setting up of employee and pensioners databases was conducted by
Subhash Garg, IAS, and principal secretary in government of Rajasthan and Gautam Bhardwaj, MD, Invest India Economic Foundation.
“Over the last two decades, expenditure on salaries and pensions has emerged as the single largest expenditure head for state governments… The lack of reliable data on employees and pensioners has also limited the ability of individual states to undertake sound fiscal planning, estimate the impact of Pay Commissions or plan their development expenditure. Though some states have attempted to build employee and pensioner databases, a majority of states are yet to make any significant progress on this front”, the preface of the paper said.
For details, visit http://fincomindia.nic.in/
Action & Appointments
Justice Bipin Chandra Kandpal, senior-most Judge of the Uttarakhand High Court has been appointed as the Chief Justice of that High Court with effect from September 10, 2009 when the current incumbent Justice Vinod Kumar Gupta retired.
A comprehensive mechanism to deal with the menace of internal terrorism is the need of the hour. Hope something concrete will come out of the meet..