
Thursday, August 07, 2014

Post of Counsellor (Economic) in Indian embassy, Beijing: Has Govt identified the officer even before formal searches began?

HAS the government informally chosen the next counsellor (economic) in Indian embassy in Beijing even before the DoPT’s formal letter to GoI secretaries and state chief secretaries to nominate suitable candidates was issued on Tuesday? Unlike other such advertisement notifications, the desirable qualifications for this post located in China’s capital city are more specific:
a) Officers having experience of working in the department of economic affairs would be given preference.
b) Officers having knowledge of Mandarin.
As the post is meant only for the officers at the rank of deputy secretary or director, one may try to figure out who in the DEA could be eligible for the post. In searching officers for similar posts earlier, the desirable qualifications usually included experiences in working in any economic ministry, thereby allowing officers belonging to the ministry of commerce and industries too, emerging as front-runners.
The posting as counsellor (economic) in Beijing will be for a period of three years. And mandatory qualifications include the following:
a) The officer must have worked for at least 2 years at the Centre under the Central Staffing Scheme.
b) The officer should be clear from vigilance angle.
c) The officer should not be debarred from Central Deputation.
d) The officer should have at least “Very Good” service record. However,  preference will be given to officers who have “Outstanding” service  record.
e) The officer should not be over 54 years of age.
f) The officer should not have been posted on an assignment in a foreign/captive post of the GOI, earlier.
g) The officer should not have been nominated for foreign training or should not be on training or foreign assignment currently.
h) The officer should not be on study leave or long leave.
i) The officer should be at least one batch below the batch currently empanelled as joint secretary.
j) The officer should have experience in the fields of trade, commerce,  industry, finance, foreign investment, export promotion, international  development cooperation at the Centre or in the state.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, the IES officers are not considered for the Economics jobs. Keep a watch, it may go to an IAS or an IFS.
