
Friday, January 09, 2015

CVC to empanel 6 to 8 former bureaucrats to assist the Commission

BY January 19, retired secretary or additional secretary-level bureaucrats, former PSU chairmen and whole time directors etc. are expected to apply for the position of experts in Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). About 8 such vacancies have arisen. The experts will help the Commission in reconsidering proposals of sanction for prosecution of officers. The remuneration at Rs 5,000 is at per sitting basis. Here are the eligibility and other terms and conditions:

a) Retired persons having held the position of secretary or additional secretary to the Government of India or equivalent and CMD or Managing Director or CEO or whole time director on the board of public undertakings, banks, and insurance companies shall be eligible for empanelment as experts.
b) Should possess sufficient knowledge and experience in matters like vigilance and investigation, criminal law, public administration, finance including banking and insurance, tender and procurement etc.
c) The age of the experts shall not exceed 70 years as on date of empanelment.
d) Should be preferably residing in Delhi or NCR region.

Terms and conditions
a) The tenure of experts will be of two years, extendable for a further period of upto two years.
b) The experts shall be provided a fee on per sitting basis at the rate of Rs 5,000 or as prescribed by the Commission from time to time.
c) The experts will be provided secretarial assistance by the Commission as per requirement.
d) The experts will be provided fare, transport and accommodation as per their entitlement in previous employment.
e) The experts will be required to give an undertaking regarding their conflict of interest in any case/matter and to recuse themselves from the proceedings in such a situation.

a) One of the vigilance commissioners will be the chairperson of the committee to examine the reconsideration proposals of sanction for prosecution received.
b) The vigilance commissioner will be assisted by two experts selected from the panel.

1 comment:

  1. Its surprising in prosecution related role police officers are being ignored who have core competence in this
