
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Things you may like to know about cadre change on grounds of marriage

CORRIDORS have many instances of cadre changes on the ground of marriage. But who has the power to approve proposals of inter-cadre transfer of All India Service officers on the ground of marriage? Or, will an IAS officer be permitted to change his cadre if he marries a state public service officer? Or, can a lady officer move out of North-East on marriage ground? Here are a few bullet points on Babu Marriage:

a) Inter-cadre transfers are permitted for members of All India Service officers on marriage to another All India Service officer, where the officer or officers concerned have sought a change.
b) Inter-cadre transfer shall not be permitted to the home state of the officer.
c) In cases of inter-cadre transfer on grounds of marriage, efforts should be made in the first instance to ensure that the cadre of one officer accepts his or her spouse.
d) Only in instances where both states have refused to accept the other spouse will the officers be considered for transfer by the Government of India to a third cadre subject to the consent of the cadres concerned for such transfer.
e) Inter-cadre transfer shall not be permitted to All India Service officers on marriage to an officer serving in a Central Service/State Service/Public Sector Undertaking/any other Organization.

But what if one is IAS, the other is IPS?
According to an OM dated December 10, 2013, here is a clarification:
a) The cases where the officer couple belongs to two different All India Services (AIS), out of which one is IAS, the same would be processed in the department of personnel and training in the first instance.
b) But the cases where the couple officers belong to IPS and IFoS, the same would be considered in the ministry of home affairs in the first instance.

Who has the power to approve the proposal of inter-cadre transfer of All India Service officers on the ground of marriage?
a) The power to approve the proposal of inter cadre transfer on the grounds of marriage has been delegated to secretary, DOPT, provided they conform strictly to the guidelines.
b) Exceptions will have to be submitted to ACC for orders.

What happen if a lady All India Service officer wants to move out of North-east on the grounds of marriage?
a) According to a July 2006 order, the conditions of eligibility for inter-cadre transfer on marriage ground of a lady officer borne on the cadre of All India Service have been relaxed.
b) In case of marriage between an All India Service lady officer borne on North-East cadre and an officer of another cadre, the lady officer would be mandatorily accommodated in the cadre of her spouse, if she so opts.

Can the bureaucrat couple land up in a third cadre after marriage?
a) In cases of inter-cadre transfer of officers on ground of 'marriage', the couple should normally be transferred to one of the two cadres on which they are borne. In case of refusal of both cadres to accept the officer, in the first instance, the matter should be taken up formally a second time with both the cadres.
b) In case of continued refusal of both the Cadres to accept the officers on grounds that are deemed by the Central Government to be genuine and satisfactory, the couple shall be transferred to one of the deficit cadres with the concurrence of the state government concerned.
c) The matter shall be re-visited after the category of 'deficit cadres' ceases to exist.


  1. inter cadre marriage is biggest scam of indian bureaucracy. I doubt if this happens in any other country of world. Many people marry just for cadre change (like VISA fraud in USA) & are perennially unhappy which reflects in their working. Girls marry because for an IAS or IPS girl in india to find a husband working in civilian sector is difficult even today.
    to prevent misuse of this both officers should be made to spend 5 yrs each in both cadres alternatively. then tendency of NE cadre male officers to marry girls in mainland India cadre will reduce

  2. The present rules are framed only for AIS officers.
    There are genuine cases of marriage of IAS with IFS officers diplomats. DOPT must find some just dispensation for these cases such as a cadre change for the IAS spouse to the UT cadre where at least during the Delhi home posting of the IFS spouse, the couple can be together. A one time service change can also be considered on request as both these services are in the "end of the road" premier category. Hope the DOPT is listening or will such bonafide cases be forever doomed???

  3. end of the road- premiere??? quota people are getting IAS/IFS till 600-800 ranks

  4. In india everybody holds a quota .. caste is a 2000 year old quota which SO CALLED "upper caste" people have enjoyed and flourished while oppressing the "other unprivileged/now from 50 years reserved groups" ... you can end reservation in a few years if it pinches you so much but for that to happen what you have to do is ' end this 2000 year old reservation called CASTE SYSTEM .. which has given you undue advantage in education ,resources , jobs be it govt or private , businesses, marriage , love , respect , justice and everything else which you can name ..

  5. CASTE is the biggest quota
