
Monday, November 23, 2015

Backroom Boys of 7th Pay Commission: Who was its “heart and soul”; and who “displayed great stamina”?

YOU may or may not agree with all the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission which had submitted its report last Thursday. But you must not ignore the hard-work of many an official who made this gigantic 880-page report a reality, well on time. Who were the backroom boys in the Commission headed by chairman Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur, and two members Vivek Rae, a former IAS and Dr Rathin Roy, a young economist? Find out who was the Commission's "heart and soul" and who displayed a "great stamina":

Meena Agarwal
An Indian Railway Accounts Service officer of 1981 batch, she was earlier on deputation to the department of expenditure under the ministry of finance. Chairman Mathur in his acknowledgement terms Ms Agarwal as “the heart and soul” of the Commission. “If she had not been there, perhaps the Commission would not have successfully completed task in the record time. She had knack to pick the right kind of colleagues. …because of her hard labour, devotion and commitment, this Commission could accomplish its task”, chairman writes.

Jayant Sinha
He is a joint secretary-ranked officer under Government of India. Chairman Mathur terms him as “a man of great rectitude and devoted person who had keen eye like an able auditor to see things through in its proper perspective”.

Samir Kumar Sinha
A 1994 batch Assam cadre IAS and joint secretary in 7th CPC. Chairman in his note of acknowledgement terms him as a “young and energetic upcoming member of Indian Administrative Service”. (by the way, not exactly an "upcoming" IAS!) “I have no doubt that he will make outstanding career in times to come. I wish him great success in his life”, Justice Mathur writes in the note.

Rajiv Mishra
An economist who acted as an adviser in the Commission. Chairman writes that Mishra “very ably assisted this Commission with his thorough knowledge of economics and left a great imprint”.

Yashashri Shukla
She is an officer from the Indian P and T Accounts and Finance Service and served in 7th CPC as a director. She played a key role in determination of the pay structure. Chairman terms her as a
“devoted and conscientious worker” and the one who has displayed "great stamina".

Mudit Mittal
A director ranked officer from Indian Railway Accounts Service. “Though essentially he is a man from finance, but his grip over all other matters is excellent”, chairman in his comment writes.

DK Rai
Rai is a director-ranked officer. “His knowledge about defence finance has been of great help to this Commission in determining the pay structure for the defence forces”, chairman says, “He is a young man and hold a long career before him and his insight into the financial intricacies of
the pay structure of the defence service will take him to great height. I wish him great success,
a bright future awaits him.”

Here is the list of key people behind 7th Central Pay Commission:
1. Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur, Chairman
2. Vivek Rae, Member
3. Dr Rathin Roy, Member
4. Smt Meena Agarwal, Secretary

1. Jayant Sinha, JS
2. Samir Kumar Sinha, JS
3. Rajiv Mishra, Adviser
4. Smt. Yashashri Shukla, Director
5. Mudit Mittal, Director
6. DK Rai, Director
7. Sudhir Sharma, US
8. BR Desi Reddy, US
9. Sukadev Sarangi, Sr.PPS
10. Khub Ram, PPS
11. Ajay Kumar Jain, DDO
12. Smt Promila Rajvanshi, PS
13. IG Baines, SO
14. KR Devarajan, SO
15. AK Das, SO
16. Smt Uma Vijayan, SO
17. Radhe Shyam Singh, SO
18. Bijendra Prasad, Assistant

1. Dev Raj
2. MK Malhotra
3. Smt. Sneh P Madan
4. PR Das
5. Mahendra Singh
6. TK Chakravarty
7. KK Funda
8. HK Bhatt
9. Rattan Singh
10. K Srinivasan
11. JK Ahuja
12. CL Zaroo
13. AC Vadhera
14. Balbir Singh
15. PR Rana
16. Smt Sunita Guglani


  1. The hard working lot has goofed up in OROP part.The pensions of those, who were at the maximum of grade in SAG & HAG before implementation of 7th pay commission and would retire after its implementation without getting a promotion or less than 4 increments in the new scales would be fixed at a lower level than those who retired before implementation of the new scales and were drawing maximum of scale.

  2. Even though the Commission consisted of 3 members, these 8 members from other services must have had a great influence on the report of the Commission. As it’s clear from the wordings of the Chairman, they exercised undue influenced on the mind of the Chairman and other members and which indirectly led to a great say in final report of the Commission
    1. By any logic and rationality, peculiarity is something which should be done away with. However, an attempt for removing peculiarity is termed as “Disturbances” by the Commission. The Commission feels that a simple structure would remove this “Disturbances” and would make uniformity and relativity perpetual. Hence, it is highly in favour of the existing peculiarities of Indian Civil Structure and its pay structure. Peculiar is something which, the Commission feels, should be continued with. The Commission feels that peculiar is in consonance with the concept of “Minimum Government and Maximum Governance”. It is also peculiar that the “CSS” finds it place not only in List of Abbreviations but also 130 times in the report of Pay Commission. Obsession was there for CSS; however, nobody knows it was for the “CSS” or against. Passion for “Assistants” in CSS was undoubtedly boundless as it becomes clear from the fact that “Assistants” in CSS appeared 98 times in the Report. As the Commission says that “Minimum Government and Maximum Governance” means a linear bureaucracy with more skilled people which they believed these 11 members, as discussed, above symbolises. It seems that they have hardly left any untouched issues of CSS. Rather than recommending a broad pay structure as “Minimum Government and Maximum Governance” suggests, they had gone into the complexities of CSS and in one way or other became the Administrative Reforms Commission for CSS. CSS and Assistants and SOs and other Officers became the reference point for them to be compared with. There charm for CSS was so pronounced that they were forced to proclaim that the Headquarter Services and CSS in particular are not comparable with All India Group ‘A’ Service by overlooking the fact that today the number of Officers from CSS holding the post of Joint Secretary stands second after the “India Administrative Services”. The maximum number of post at Deputy Secretary and Director are occupied by CSS, even more that 60%. They claimed that even so what, as the induction level of CSS is group-B, that’s why they should not be considered Group-A service and not a fit breed to be granted the benefit of NFU and hence, they are not comparable with these So-called All India Group ‘A’ Service. The number of IITians at the level of Assistant in CSS is more than that these Group-A Services separtely except for IAS. Are they fearful? The self-survival instinct was at full play while framing the pay commission report from these pay commission members except from those who represented “IAS” These personnel from postal, railway, audit and account except IAS are so biased against CSS and favourable for their own services will be listed down ahead. It is also a warning why these people should not be allowed to sit in Secretariat as they are habitual to advance their own interests rather than behaving impartially as the generalists like “IAS” and “CSS” do.
    2. For the pay-commission, the Basis of equity was made that “What emolument is drawn by others” without going by the fact that nature of job performed, complexities involved. These so called members of postal, railway and accounts services even thought of comparing them with “IAS” and argued for it and even could have succeeded had Shri Vivek Rae ji been not there who successfully put forward his dissent note against these self-serving Groups-A services.

  3. As rightly pointed out above and even I do think that there is some element of truth in this view “except for IAS, IPS, IForestS and Indian Foreign Service” whenever other services get a chance they always try to promote their interests rather than taking a broadminded view keeping all the factors in mind from the governance point of view. A cursory look at the 7th CPC brings out on the pedestal an interesting fact that the backroom boys of the 7th CPC have succeeded in to further their interest one step ahead. Let me give you an example- at page 487 of the report- the commission recommends that reshuffling of the postal services board be carried out and after that the newly designated post of Member (Finance) should be encadred with Indian Postal and Telegraph Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS) as the financial advice in Postal and Telecom Departments is the core function of this service”. Again at page No-499, the Commission further recommends encadering of the apex level post of Member (Finance) in Telecom board with IP&TAFS as this service is also meant to render finance advice in telecom department. Why was there such re-emphasis on this service where there are also other specialised service for such functions? For e.g. Indian Economic Service. Wherever other services had made such demand, it was said that it was an administrative matter, hence, not the purview of the commission. As point that Smt. Yashawri shukla had played an important role, then this raises some suspicions on the role played by the backroom boys as similar recommendation was found for their own services and ancillary services supporting them. Why was recommendation for pay-parity between unorganised accounts cadres with the organised accounts cadres refused? When it was done till the level of assistant in Headquarters and field level. The Commission felt that the unorganised accounts cadres cannot be treated at par with organised accounts cadres owing to the fact that the skill sets of the organised accounts cadres are also fairly higher and the organised accounts cadres have to compulsorily pass various examinations for promotions. Why didn’t they consider such fact while granting pay-parity between “Assistant in CSS” (An highly organised Secretariat Services comparable to Organised Group-A and even better to a few of them) and field level? As in CSS, one has to go for a number of trainings, one has to compulsorily pass various examinations for promotions, even the skill sets of these officers are higher not only in comparison to field level services but also in contrast to the other organised Group-A services. All these things undoubtedly raise a number of questions. The performance of these organised group-A services at the level of Director (Central Staffing Scheme) is not appreciable. Keeping in view of the such fact, it is high time that the role of these services should be re-considered and aligned in with the requirement of the present context of governance.

  4. Federation of Railway Officers’ Associations representing 9 Organised Group-A-Services for railways petitioned before the commission that these services are now amongst the slowest moving services in the Government of India in terms of promotions, cadre reviews and empanelment under the Central Staffing Scheme for the posts of Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary. The commission, therefore, noted that except at the Railway Board level, the HR issues of all services (except IRAS) are dealt by IRPS, the only service in the entire Government of India setup dedicated solely for personnel management and the HR issues of the Accounts cadre are looked after by the Accounts Department itself. The commission also noted that, however, at the Railway Board level, the cadre management of all Group ‘A’ services is managed by a Group `B’ service, viz., Railway Board Secretariat Service (RBSS). Hence, the commission felt that a peculiar situation has arisen whereby despite the existence of a specialised Group `A’ service viz., the Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS), dedicated to human resource management of the Indian Railways and whose officers have domain expertise in personnel management, the function of cadre management of all Group `A’ services in the Railways does not rest with it. The commission, therefore, recommended that the confidential work and cadre management of all Group `A’ services (except IRAS) in the Railways should be handed over to the IRPS and as far as the Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS) is concerned, in the interest of financial autonomy, the practice followed in the field that the IRAS does its own cadre management in all respects, should be completely followed at the ministry level also. Why has not it been recommended that the Cadre-Management of IRAS should also be handed over to IRPS? The answer lies in the“Heart and Soul of the Commission”-Smt. Meena Aggarwal-Secretary from Indian Railway Accounts Service and “the other one whose grip over all matter is excellent”-Shri Mudit Mittal- Director from Indian Railway Accounts Service. The commission had given an argument that “in the interest of financial autonomy”, IRAS’s cadre management could not be handed over to IRPS. Since, the concept of autonomy applies to each and every field of administration-they-why was it preserved exclusively for IRAS and other accounts services? However, it need to be noted here that the cadre management of so many organised group-A services (including accounting services) are not managed by themselves rather by some other services , viz., that are generally IAS (at the state and Central Level) and CSS (At the central Level).


  5. Now, let’s examine the second question- what was the petition of Federation of Railway Officers’ Associations? It was that these services are now amongst the slowest moving services in the Government of India in terms of promotions, cadre reviews and empanelment under the Central Staffing Scheme for the posts of Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary. However, what were the things noted by the Commission? It noted that it’s due to RBSS that these services are now amongst the slowest moving services in the Government of India. It is pertinent to mention here that the Cadre-Management of IAS, IPS and IFS and all other organised Group-A Services is done by Central Secretariat Services-(So-called Group-B services, however, in reality better than so many Group-A organised services). When CSS can easily perform the task of cadre management-then-why not RBSS? Why does it appear that solution for the problems of these-9 Organised Group-A-Services for railways as recommended by the Commission indicates something questionable and fishy? It appears that there was an attempt to undermine the role of RBSS at the Railway Board level and the other headquarter services (as said above-what was recommended for “Assistant in CSS”) and ALL India services owing to the fact that the petition tried to highlight the problem related to “Central Staffing Scheme” and pyramid structure in cadre, however, the recommendations that was made are in no way related to the problems rather entirely something different. The Commission, at so many places, recommended that it was not in his domain to recommend something administrative in nature. Then what was the compulsion to recommend such measures which is completely administrative in nature which do raise a number of suspicions regarding the role played by these above-mentioned backroom boys. The above-mentioned recommendation could have already been taken by the Railway Board if had been such big cause for the problems of these 9 Organised Group-A-Services. There are a number of recommendation appears to be illogical, irrational, inconsistent and ridiculous. After ready all this a beautiful proverb comes to mind- aptly fit for these backroom guys and analysts like us- that “Self-interest makes some people blind, and others sharp-sighted” and second one for the Chairman/members of the commission and these backroom boys that “Even wisdom has to yield before self-interest”.

  6. Smt. Meena Agarwal, Secretary, 7th CPC, represents Indian Railway Accounts Service. The chairman says that “If she had not been there, perhaps the Commission would not have successfully completed task in the record time. She had knack to pick the right kind of colleagues. …because of her hard labour, devotion and commitment, this Commission could accomplish its task”. Such comments in the report of 7th CPC vie that, at this moment, would not it be appropriate to contemplate how the 7th CPC considers the case of India Railway Accounts Service? As the Central Secretariat Services was defamed, libelled, slandered and disparaged in the 7th CPC report by presenting the factually incorrect data and depiction-therefore- the others do have a right to scrutinize the case of Indian Railway Accounts Service as allegation piercely bursting above the “Heart and Soul” of the commission, however, the heart bled with milk. The “heart and Soul” hard labour, devotion and commitment had made the task of the 7 CPC costly enough for the Government to be deliberated upon. A huge expenditure for 7th CPC had hardly brought out new interpretations, assessments as they preferred to refer to the previous pay commission’s report- where they advertently intended to recommend favourably otherwise “Baba Ji ka Jhun-jhuna” with no reasoning.


  7. Hard labour, devotion and commitment indisputably were there, but what about intelligence, aptitude, attitude and acumen for performing such roles? See how the “Heart and Soul” presented before the Commission about the role of her own service by mentioning the fact that-IRAS has the unique distinction of having widespread exposure to almost all relevant fields like Contract Management, Project Evaluation, Establishment and HR matters, Investment related issues, etc. Owing to close interaction with all other Departments of the Railways, they are better suited to take appropriate administrative decisions in a holistic manner. They thought that” fields like Contract Management, Project Evaluation, Establishment and HR matters, Investment related issues” is adequate enough for using aphorism such as “the unique distinction of having widespread exposure”. In central secretariat services parlance, this is known just as financial administration along with a slice of personnel administration for financial deliberation, however, nothing unique for “CSS” about it as it’s minute part of the cumbersome role performed by the Central Secretariat Services . Even DR-Assistant in Central Secretariat Services gets such exposure along with doses of public policy in such field; however, they identify it as “financial administration” means a small component of public administration.


  8. Subsequently, it went on to present that the personnel of IRAS are better suited to take administrative decisions in a holistic manner. Were not they aware that the financial administration is a part of the public administration not something holistically nurtured general administration as IAS are expected to perform means encompassing all the fields of administration? It said that IRAS’s personnel were to be capable enough to take the decisions for other field of administration. Quite inconsistent, at one place of the report, the report talked about specialisation, and for specialisation it talked about generalisation. Hence, on this foundation, justification was given for creation of additional post of Additional Member (Accounting Reforms) even though it was added that the provision of the above mentioned posts is in the administrative domain of the Ministry of Railways. When a proposition is not in your domain, then, what was the rational to justify such proposition? Might be to leave ground fertile enough so that crop is sufficient enough for feeding the diffident personnel of public governance. Mention was made of the report of Dr.Bibek Debroy of India Railway positively to justify creation of post- then why are IRAS’s lobby or association against its implementation? Report was twisted to supplement their interest.


  9. It would not be wrong to say that the services such as railway, postal has lost their relevance and become the “Cottage Industries” of Public Administration. It is high time that we should have privatised the Railway and the Postal in the nation’s interest. As we are already witnessing what the Specialised services have done to the Department of Post, Department of Railway and other such departmental commercial entities?

  10. It would not be wrong to say that the services such as railway, postal has lost their relevance and become the “Cottage Industries” of Public Administration. It is high time that we should have privatised the Railway and the Postal in the nation’s interest. As we are already witnessing what the Specialised services have done to the Department of Post, Department of Railway and other such departmental commercial entities?

  11. The 7th CPC got a study done by the IIM-Ahemadabad for Comparing Salaries/ Emoluments in the Government Sector vis-à-vis Central Public Sector Undertakings/ Private Sector in India. The study points out that the secretariat staff (Central Secretariat Services) of Central Government is getting the lowest salary amongst all others. However, the secretariat staff was targeted by the 7th CPC as already explained above for vested interests. This demotivates the Staff who are on the highest pedestal of hierarchy and plays the most important role in policy formulation, implementation, evaluation and then on the basis of that re-formulation of policy. A lot has been discussed about generalist versus specialist. Generalist-cum-specialist can befool some all the time- all for some of the time but not all at all the time. As it is well-known fact that when a generalist works in particular department for life-time then he becomes specialist otherwise nature of work of all the Government (whether Central or State) is of generalist in nature except for scientific organisation (In reality- only scientist can be called specialist). Any Civil Servant can perform these tasks including policy formulation. However, on account of vast exposure the officers of IAS and CSS get in diverse fields; they are better than these generalists of a particular field in other words specialist. So the demand of the specialists for pay parity are nothing more than an inflated balloon which has been burst above.

  12. When these generalist of a particular arena in other words pseudo-specialist (Don’t include IAS, IPS, IFS, IForeignS and Indian Economic Service) come on deputation as the level of Deputy Secretary/Director, the first thing they ask for “Vehicles” and other facilities. So many times, even these pseudo-specialists refuse to join at the level of Deputy Secretary/Director as at the Secretariat level due to lack of facility- pseudo don’t get what they are getting at the field level means in the parent organisation. They never talk about governance. Not casually but seriously, they say before their juniors that I am not interested to work at secretariat as we don’t get any facility in comparison to the field, however, for my Childs education-I came here. And Central Staffing Scheme talks about fresh ideas! When it comes to performance, it’s an appalling and the Central Secretariat Services staff laugh on them. They are dreadful to face Joint Secretary (mostly from IAS) directly; they always tell the assistants working under them to accompany them so that assistant would be there to answer JS. Even when they go to the other ministries for meetings on policy matter, they always like that Under Secretary and Section Officers (100% from CSS) should accompany them. They even don’t come office on time. And when a few foolish- pseudo-specialist- are assigned the task of Head of Department- they are even not aware of the basics authority of HOD and do blunders and even don’t try to know it. For e.g. once an HOD asked if he could sign a reminder or had the authority for signing reminder! Assistant nodded positively while laughing.

  13. When they first come at Central Staffing Scheme they are obsessed with superiority complex. During their tenure, they get obsessed with inferiority complex and after completion of their tenure-to ultimately save their face-they bring as an excuse persecution complex for demanding pay parity with IAS and to hide their inefficiency-whenever they get the chance-they try to downgrade CSS (as done in the 7th CPC) by saying that as the induction level is at Group-B level, hence, CSS is not comparable with Group B services. First, improve your performance, then, demand pay parity with others. When you can’t match the level of Central Secretariat Service- How can you think of demanding pay parity with IAS? If you improve performance, presentation and communication skills, attitude for the work (even this is a part of UPSC syllabus),emotional intelligence (as always cry before an assistant that the JS has used bad mouth), you would be appreciated and rewarded suitably. However, without performance, don’t expect any thing. Even though, they have succeeded in disparaging the roles of the IAS and the CSS in the 7th CPC, this can’t affect our morale and motivation level in long term and would continue to give out best services for the good governance of this country.
    JAI Hind! JAI Bharat!

  14. Every service is selfish to the core. Every one wants themselves to be projected as the supreme. What the IAS is doing for Group-A services, the same thing Group-A services are doing to their colleagues. These officers classify themselves as Direct Recruits and don't want their fellow officers to be promoted to Group-A posts. Even if they are promoted to Group-A, they are posted in side lined posts. These so called Direct Recruits have no respect for their colleagues of the age of their parents and do not let them progress. For example, I can very well relate to promotee IRS officers as I know one of them very well. The DRs do not want their colleague ITOs to be promoted to Group-A as that will some how hurt the ego of DRs. But, the logc here is promotee officers(lucky ones) retire as Additional Commissioners and never rise to higher level. So, there is going to be no competition between DRs and promotee officers during consideration for promotion as officers get promotion upto level of Addl.Cit in a timely manner. So, it does not hamper the chances of these DRs. Even then, these DRs do not want others to progress. They consider themselves as Gods. Only God can save such a selfish country.

  15. Rightly given them a befitting label- pseudo-specialists (excluding IAS, Central Secretariat Services, IPS, IFS, IForeignS and Indian Economic Service) as they are fit for nothing and unfit for everything. They are the biggest demoralising factor for the governance of this country. In the name of implementation of policies, they have been granted underserved benefits by the Successive Pay Commissions but what they have done to increase their supremacy by poorly implementing policies rather than doing something for the public. Take the example of accounting services. So many Group-A accounts services have become irrelevant due to advanced technologies in software industries in account system still they exist, hence, these services should be abolished in the largest interest of our nation. It would not be inappropriate to say that abolishing Organised Group-A accounting services should be the theme of Personnel Management.

  16. Pseudo-specialists, properly invented designation, rather I would suggest that all these specialised services should be merged into a single service named as India-All-India- Pseudo-Specialists-Services. Then they would be happy to dignify their true character by the very service which they would be representing. It would not be inapt to say that India has always worked well at the top level either at the institutional level (Secretariat-CSS) or leadership level (IAS), nevertheless, but for these Pseudo-specialists otherwise this country would have surpassed all others as far as the growth and development of this country are concerned.

  17. The way these backroom boys and girls of the 7Th CPC (Especially Meena Agarwal and Yashashri Shukla) mocked and treated the Central Secretariat Services by not inviting them to submit their petition in person by using their positions in the 7th CPC and disparaged them by using the derogatory words in the report itself. It is high time to remind that the any position in administration entails great responsibility which they did not justify. However, as now, we would teach them how one ought to fulfill his responsibility by accountable to the concerned stakeholders while processing the recommendations of the 7th CPC.

  18. The position in which Central Secretariat Service was ,before the constitution of the 7th CPC, delightful. However, the recommendations has forced the Service to raise it to an exalted position by their dedication and commitment to prove that the position doesn’t make the man but it’s the man staffing who makes the position. And for those who intentionally used derogatory and insulting terms pejoratively for CSS to demotivate and demoralise the Central Secretariat Service- I can say only that much- a snake can change its colour but not its disposition-means-these people would remain a burden for their parent organisation and for this country as a whole as their style of thinking is to deprecate others.
    Long live Central Secretariat Services!

  19. Pseudo-specialists, who tried to snatch the position as presently held by Central Secretariat Service, for their vested interest- I do come to this logic that their very style of working subscribes to this view that Imagination is more important than knowledge; Knowledge is limited; Imagination encircles the world; hence, we would befool others by writing whatever we intend to even though being hypocritical.
    Shame! Shame! Preconceived Backroom Guys of the 7TH CPC!

  20. Pseudo-specialists want pay parity with IAS. I would remind them that the intelligent people are the ones that they don't even need or want to look 'intelligent' anymore. Still, for inspiration they look to the IAS. Work grudgingly under IAS and still criticise IAS. Now, to leave apart IAS, they have started targeting entirely a different and such an unique Central Secretariat Service itself. Those who are digging hole for others would themselves fall in them. And no one would help them in long term to escape from accountability. The deadly combination of arrogance and ignorance by not giving CSS forum a chance to represent them in the 7th CPC and presenting factually incorrect data to downgrade the induction level of CSS to promote their interest would prove them that yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery when these recommendations against CSS will be outrightly rejected.

  21. If the personnel of Central Secretariat Services start bringing on the surface the way Pseudo-specialists function in the Secretariat, as one incident quoted, they would be ashamed of themselves for wasting the crores of rupees that Government spend on their training and other facilities. Whether these Pseudo-specialists would tell to the Public what their roles are. An officer of Indian Civil Accounts Service-Group-A holding the post of Controller of Accounts in a Ministry with his supporting staff is not aware of the GFR and what its rules say and casually wrote on the Noting portion of the Government that there is no provision of advances in GFR. Is this specialisation! First read GFR thoroughly then comment !Another one from Railway Engineering Service holding the post of Joint Secretary and looking after a part of the administration wrote on the note sheet on the issue of giving offer of appointment to the new joinees that “File may be re-submitted with candidates APAR”. APAR for new joinees! That’s their level. Then they say that the world isn't fair, hence, we cannot accept the world as it is and would fight for pay parity and by disparaging the Central Secretariat Services who teach us rules and regulation and bring on the surface our weakness and hallowness.

  22. Pseudo-specialists want pay parity with IAS. I would remind them that the intelligent people are the ones that they don't even need or want to look 'intelligent' anymore. Still, for inspiration they look to the IAS. Work grudgingly under IAS and still criticise IAS. Now, to leave apart IAS, they have started targeting entirely a different and such an unique Central Secretariat Service itself. Those who are digging hole for others would themselves fall in them. And no one would help them in long term to escape from accountability. The deadly combination of arrogance and ignorance by not giving CSS forum a chance to represent them in the 7th CPC and presenting factually incorrect data to downgrade the induction level of CSS to promote their interest would prove them that yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery when these recommendations against CSS will be outrightly rejected.

  23. If the personnel of Central Secretariat Services start bringing on the surface the way Pseudo-specialists function in the Secretariat, as one incident quoted, they would be ashamed of themselves for wasting the crores of rupees that Government spend on their training and other facilities. Whether these Pseudo-specialists would tell to the Public what their roles are. An officer of Indian Civil Accounts Service-Group-A holding the post of Controller of Accounts in a Ministry with his supporting staff is not aware of the GFR and what its rules say and casually wrote on the Noting portion of the Government that there is no provision of advances in GFR. Is this specialisation! First read GFR thoroughly then comment !Another one from Railway Engineering Service holding the post of Joint Secretary and looking after a part of the administration wrote on the note sheet on the issue of giving offer of appointment to the new joinees that “File may be re-submitted with candidates APAR”. APAR for new joinees! That’s their level. Then they say that the world isn't fair, hence, we cannot accept the world as it is and would fight for pay parity and by disparaging the Central Secretariat Services who teach us rules and regulation and bring on the surface our weakness and hollowness.

  24. See What IAS officers telling about these Indian Railway Services Officers
    “The IAS Officer above appropriately pointed out that the level of corruption is the highest in Indian Railways. Railway Group-A services have to be given credit and recognition for using official (tangible and intangible) resources for personnel matters! The Railways’ personnel need mentoring to dissuade them from such practices. Its condition is pathetic. Cleanliness drive (Swwach Bharat Abhiyan) requires urgent attention specifically in Railways. Railways services are the dirtiest of all in India. There are specialised divisions in railway but headed by the Generalist of the Railway Services itself. Elsewhere in this site’s comments-they have precisely been called-Pseudo-specialists for hypocrisy and duplicity. As firstly, they need to focus on, revamp and empower their own specialised division and specialists before giving academic lectures to others. The need of the hour says that IAS needs to head the TOP positions in Railway Board and elsewhere in Railways to create deterrence in the Organisation. Surprisingly, there has been news in the market that Meena Agarwal, an Indian Railway Accounts Service officer of 1981 batch didn't work impartially in the 7th CPC for considerations (monetary and others) and influenced the recommendations of a few services e.g. like her own favourably and others adversely like Central Secretariat Services. They can’t escape from accountability. Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”
    It’s a wakeup call for all of us bring professionalism in Railways as soon as possible to save this one of the most important national asset of our country which played an important role in creating the feeling of Nationalism during National Freedom Movement.

  25. “You must have been aware as it was recently in the news that even the Railway Board members position are filled on the basis of the “Financial capacity of the Officers of Railways Organised Group-A services” to pay. As far as efficiency and performance are concerned, every common man knows that each year the Railways bows down itself with its bowl before the Finance Ministry for grants. The amount of freight and passengers are handled by the railway is 1/4 of what is handled by our road and sea transport (Bus Drivers). How are the official resources misused-others have to learn it from Railways Organised Group-A services.”

  26. “Now, they have stooped down to such a level that they demanded before the 7th CPC that Indian Railway Personnel Service should replace Railway Board Secretariat Service so that impartiality, fairness, probity and integrity be replaced with corruption, inefficiency, laziness and looting. Others don’t need teaching. You first need to introspect yourselves before pitying on the mindset of others and questioning the conscience of others. TOILS HARD! For what corruption or defaming others like your own Group-B-C and D services ! You know that one of the saddest lessons of history of Railways Organised Group-A services or Indian Railways is that they have been bamboozled long enough to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.”

  27. “Now, they have stooped down to such a level that they demanded before the 7th CPC that Indian Railway Personnel Service should replace Railway Board Secretariat Service so that impartiality, fairness, probity and integrity be replaced with corruption, inefficiency, laziness and looting. Others don’t need teaching. You first need to introspect yourselves before pitying on the mindset of others and questioning the conscience of others. TOILS HARD! For what corruption or defaming others like your own Group-B-C and D services ! You know that one of the saddest lessons of history of Railways Organised Group-A services or Indian Railways is that they have been bamboozled long enough to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.”

  28. Suspicion against Meena agarwal is correct because the culture in which she has been nurtured professionally depicts the state of affairs of railway nasty and horrible of that especial mention should be made of that the selfishness with lack of consideration for others “Central Secretariat Services” and with free-handedness which they used derogatory terms against “Assistant in Central Secretariat” in the 7th CPC report in an attempt to make the Central Secretariat System crumble. The disgusting challenge to destroy CSS for their own interest gives the only message to CSS that every obstacle in life is a lesson that teaches us, not others.
    CSS was United! CSS is United! CSS will remain United and serve the Country!

  29. Before putting on their analytic comments on the (CSS) Central Secretariat Services, the Back-room guys should have cross-checked the following facts:-
    1. That number of Joint Secretaries from CSS stands 17. If JS-insitu are included then 70.
    2. The number of Deputy Secretaries and Directors stands 800.
    3. The number of Under Secretaries stands 1800.
    4. The number of Section Officers (Assistant Secretary) stands 3400.
    5. The number of Assistant (Secretariat Officer) stands 6000.

  30. All the sections for e.g. policies, financial, administrative, establishment, legislative, public grievances and n number of others are manned by the above-mentioned staff. There are hardly any issues in the country from Internal Security to Make in India to Digital India to Ease of doing Business to Skill Development to Labour Reforms to Modernisation of Agriculture to n numbers of fields where the CSS officers are playing a very fundamental, critical and decisive role. Assistants (Secretariat Officer) of Central Secretariat Services are the foundations of Secretarial System. On this foundation, the beautiful edifice of Parliamentary Democracy has stood. 99.99% supply of information to the Parliament is routed through Assistant after having checked its factual accuracy and examined it critically. For e.g. what is analytically put forward by field offices at their highest level (DGP of Police, Director of IB, Director of CBI, CBDT’s members comment) in thousands of pages are re-examined at the level of Assistant critically (Secretariat Officer) to make a briefing for Minister in a few pages. And there is such a disgusting comment in the 7th CPC that the nature of work of Assistant in not complex rather similar with field offices.

  31. I give an example that all the recommendations of the 7th CPC to be examined and implemented by the Assistant (Secretariat Officer) of the Cabinet Secretariat, again, they would be from CSS. Most of the time the news items for PIB and Indian media is drafted by the Assistant (Secretariat Officers). A number of times, the draft speech for the Cabinet Ministry, are drafted by the them. Now, these officers of other services who are not able to match the level of Central Secretariat Services are trying to relegate the role of this service on back stand through backdoor channel by being a part of 7th CPC. They have always tried to downgrade the efforts of this Service but for no effect. The should stop behaving in such way. This won’t serve any purpose as we are strong enough to protect our interests but they are not. If we stoop down to such a level and start using our position in secretariat negatively what would happen to them and their core interests?


  32. We even don’t have any attachment to any particular department like them as we are transferred every 5 year to other departments that are why we work properly and are able to note in country’s interests by looking all the factors in mind. Do they have such guts to go above their service and departments to write note and make decisions in country’s interests if their core interests are in danger. No.
    Shame Shame the 7th CPC! Shame Shame!
